Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Me and my best friend

My wife and I, out for an evening of capturing moments in time, and making memories.

People on the street

Learning to ask people in public if I can take thier picture has been lot's of fun, and rewarding.

At the local Car Hop.

Watching an artist get down!

Abalone cove Palos Verdes

Nice place to spend a day, check for the tides before heading down to the tide pools.

Long Beach CA.

Another evening at Taquila Jack's, I have always wanted to be there for the sunset, the colors of the sky was well worth the wait.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I have purchased a lighting kit, and am looking forward to learning to take portrait's. I have read so much information my head is spinning, now it's time to put the knowledge to use.
My mom will be coming by this week, she will be my first subject, could not ask for a more beautiful subject to shoot.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Windless Glory

Something that caught my eye, something I have not seen very often, this great flag at rest, almost as if taking a break from a job well done.
I scurried to a location high upon a freeway wall, to try and gain a better vantage point, and try and capture this flag at eye level, but the higher I climbed the taller the flag stood... and it seems as it should, for I look up to this flag in more ways than one.